Craft-PvP (x50)
Gracia Final

Top RB Hunters of February

1 OnlyGK 205
2 CipriaN 172
3 PunchSavage 88
4 CerseiDrake 69
5 WuTang 52

Top 100 Raid Boss Ghost Of The Well Lidia killers on server CRAFT-PVP

# Character Points Level PVP PK Clan
1 resurector 104 85 1191 1 turkiye
2 St3listul 32 85 8240 79 FightClub
3 MPOULDOZAS 20 85 605 6 EuroFighters
4 Mrchozrout 20 85 1184 103 DOOM
5 Bullrich 18 85 11953 143 Ronins
6 Valruk 15 85 1353 1 DOOM
7 Europeo 14 85 22337 2250 Ronins
8 Mus1cSlamas 14 85 9530 20 FightClub
9 Azlea 13 85 423 6 DOOM
10 Crush 11 85 3965 4 FightClub
11 CrusheR 11 83 1378 85
12 KaNox 11 85 3292 9 FightClub
13 Aria 10 77 18906 669
14 HopeSeeker 10 80 247 21
15 Sibyla 10 85 5748 190 FightClub
16 Berri 9 85 14067 134 Ronins
17 Morgana 9 85 2385 1 FightClub
18 ToKio 9 85 0 0
19 Sand 8 85 478 3 AmberEye
20 DARNA 7 85 3205 488
21 EvasTemplar 7 85 0 0 LosPeakyBlinders
23 DJango 6 85 90 18 turkiye
24 vetrelec 6 85 314 7 Myrmidon
25 ZheFhyeld 6 85 122 4 Ronins
26 Alienigena 5 85 1631 12 FightClub
27 Catamito 5 85 45 7 NigterlandStars
28 Gardal 5 85 419 45 Brothers1nArms
29 KRASOPATERAS 5 85 1987 5 Brothers1nArms
30 Lizzy 5 85 7358 339 Brothers1nArms
31 Stax 5 85 4641 57
32 AcKerman 4 85 1 1 ManyFeedQuiao
33 GroundZero 4 85 9 6 turkiye
34 IlIIllIIlIlIlIl 4 85 0 0
35 Kazal 4 85 5284 3
36 Onuris 4 85 0 0 Konichiwa
37 Perry 4 80 1 0 Legend
38 Roka 4 85 1542 34 Ronins
39 Ruth 4 85 349 37 NigterlandStars
40 StoneHead 4 85 25 4 Xmen
41 VanDeath 4 85 0 0
42 Vlana 4 85 89 2 DOOM
43 ZeraThul 4 85 3559 7 Ronins
44 DODOZ 3 85 238 9
45 Ins3rtDown 3 85 1659 139
46 LadyHell 3 85 58 1
47 MamBaa 3 85 124 5 BreakinBads
48 Nicholas 3 85 8410 272 Ronins
49 QiangTaoMing 3 85 692 30 turkiye
50 Rocket 3 85 0 1 Brothers1nArms
51 Semyazza 3 85 3876 1
52 Squeeze 3 85 3747 195
53 Yennefer 3 85 893 2
54 Zerker 3 85 191 11 Legends
55 Anakk 2 85 56 2
56 Bebesita 2 85 296 21 DallasFighters
57 Best 2 85 264 0 FightClub
58 boonycash 2 85 41 4 OutSiders
59 DestrozaOrto 2 85 24 5
60 DiegoMauri 2 85 27 0
61 estif 2 85 129 30
62 GhostAssasin 2 85 927 33
63 Hevea 2 85 0 0
64 Hidousay 2 82 34 13
65 Katja 2 85 66 3
66 Kazashi 2 85 178 40
67 Keystone 2 85 2317 33
68 Lebron 2 85 0 0
69 LiuKang 2 85 261 2 DOOM
70 lNordica_10127_13536 2 62 2 1
71 MaxiPad 2 85 656 5 Brothers1nArms
72 MishiMiau 2 85 0 2 ProFighters
73 Stratton 2 85 769 3
74 Sunion 2 85 2170 0 FightClub
75 TkxP 2 85 24 17
76 TomaII 2 85 1671 5 GoodBoys
77 Viorjeaur 2 85 61 2
78 Apollo 1 85 81 3 DOOM
79 ARDtroya_219_54 1 85 108 19
80 Arrowpatrol 1 85 431 5
81 ArrozConPollo 1 66 349 30
82 ArtOfLove 1 85 3826 3
83 bsresu 1 85 0 0 KurtLarVadisi
84 cami 1 85 835 3
85 Cerverus 1 85 350 3 Ronins
86 chilling 1 85 582 11 AmberEye
87 CipriaN 1 85 78 1
88 COCODRILO 1 85 101 13 ThunderPretador
89 Daimao 1 85 2208 76 NemesiS
90 Demet 1 85 292 21
91 DoxTM 1 85 19 6
92 EmilyCQ 1 85 321 11 NigterlandStars
93 ESCAN0R 1 85 227 6 Insane
94 Felisian 1 85 3269 2 FightClub
95 Gigi 1 85 678 12
96 GROLIVE 1 82 2 0 FallenAngels
97 Heisenberg 1 85 4147 117 BreakinBads
98 HitRich 1 85 0 0
99 iJUDI 1 79 1 1
100 Incisor 1 85 712 14 DragonBall