Craft-PvP (x50)
Gracia Final

Top RB Hunters of July

1 resurector 757
2 DARNA 367
3 Bullrich 281
4 Mrchozrout 262
5 Crush 247

Autologin system

You can start the game with your accounts and don't need to enter login and password each time!
How to use auto login:
1. Press right mouse on l2.exe and create Shortcut of l2.exe file.
2. Click on your new Shortcut right button of mouse and select Properties.
3. In target line you will see something like:
add to this line your account name and password in such format:
 account=AccountName password=YourPassword
For example your account=test and password=test12 then you must make:
"C:\Games\L2TOX.COM_Blaze_and_Frozen_GF\system\L2.exe" account=test password=test12
4. Finally click Apply and OK for save changes!
Now when you click to your Shortcut you automatically login to server and don't need to enter Account and Password each time!
You can create a lot of Shortcuts for each account, rename Shortcuts with names of your Accounts or Character's names for better understand!
You can join to game with all your buffers and tradres much faster! 
We love you guys and hope you feel yourself much happy now!
If you have any problem, feel free to send email to blaze_l2toxic@hotmail.com with any questions!
Attention! Be careful! Remember - any person who have access to your PC can steal passwords from your saved shortcuts!
Here is Video Guide how you can make Autologin